The molecule of oleic acid, for example, is made of a long chain of 18 carbon atoms. Oleic acid consists of a long repeating chain of carbon and hydrogen. Black represents carbon, white represents hydrogen, and red represents oxygen. The molecular model for oleic acid, one of the lipids found in olive oil.

Lipids are the first macronutrient we are studying that are predominantly non-polar molecules. Clearly, in this experiment the energy production is affected by the intensity of the exercise, not the other way around. The cause is always the independent variable, and the effect is the dependent variable. An easy way to quickly identify the variables is by thinking of the experiment as a cause-and-effect relationship. )was the source and amount of energy production. The dependent variable (definition: The variable in an experiment that is affected by the independent variable. In this experiment the independent variable (definition: The variable in an experiment that can cause a change. 85 % oxygen demand for strenuous exercise.65 % oxygen demand for moderate exercise, and.In an experiment performed by Johannes Romijn, the energy production from either fats (including lipids) or carbohydrates was measured during different exercise intensities: In this case, these two fatty acids are used for biological processes, like cell membrane structure and making hormones, not energy production. For humans, of the over twenty different fatty acids in food, there are only two essential fatty acids that we have to get from our diet. Whereas carbohydrates can be oxidized to produce 4 calories of energy per gram, lipids can be oxidized to produce a hefty 9 calories per g. The most energy-dense nutrients belong to the lipid category of macronutrients.